Dr. Sagar D. Patil
Head Of Department Department Of Mechanical Engineering
Name: Dr. Sagar D. Patil
Designation: Associate Professor & HOD
Qualification: BE (Mech), ME(CAD/CAM/CAE) , PhD (Pune University)
Area of specialization:CAD / CAM/ CAE
Teaching Experience: 11 Years
Industrial Experience: 0.5 Years
E mail: hodmech@sitcoe.org.in
Contact Number: 9766911226
The Mechanical Engineering curriculum includes various hands-on skill courses such as Computer-Aided Product Design, Mechanical Simulation, Solid Works, ANSYS, etc. It provides opportunities for students to acquire interdisciplinary skills and knowledge through various open elective subjects. Mechanical students can take an Honor degree in Robotics along with Mechanical engineering. The skill courses are taught by various industry professionals from many well-known industries, adding a practical element to learning through Value added Programs. Institute has adopted and implemented Project Base learning effectively since 2014-15. The outcome of PBL is students have actively filed patents, published National and international research papers, and grabbed a lot of prizes in Hackathon arranged by AICTE, ISHRE, TATA Technology, GOSHIMA, etc. Faculty members in the department are experienced, young, and dynamic. Nine Faculty members have completed their Ph.D. from well-reputed Institutions and many faculty members are pursuing their Ph.D. The department is having well-established laboratories along with Industrial supported centers like Autodesk, TATA RE centers, etc.
Our diversified portfolio of syllabi and training has empowered our students to explore various opportunities in a broad spectrum of industries. Many IT industries also have CAD/CAM divisions, which increases the job potential of mechanical engineers. Students are placed in many core industries such as T Connectivity, Capgemini (Engineering Div), Faurecia Walchandnagar, Autodesk, Yazaki, etc.
With the growing needs of IT industries, students are also placed in various software industries such as KPIT, Infosys, Wipro, TCS, Cognizant, Accenture, etc.